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If you are a subscriber, you can login and access the latest, and greatest, Adobe AEM Forms training courseware and support. If you are not yet a subscriberemail us today and we'll set you up with a demo of our online eLearning tools for Adobe AEM Forms.

AEM Forms Training

Adobe Certification Video

  • 8 minute video
  • Passcode: W^I8RX?j

Imagine you had easy access to the world’s leading Adobe AEM Forms training and online eLearning tools. You could start your AEM Forms training right now! Think about the benefits of a state-of-the-art online reference to return to when you use your new skills in the real world. Email us today and we'll set you up with a demo of our online eLearning tools for Adobe AEM Forms. Here is what our current subscribers say:

“We knew our customers could not use our online PDF forms, but we were dumbfounded about what to do about it. Finally, I suggested the organization support my individual subscription and within weeks we went live with our first adaptive and responsive forms. This year we signed up for a group subscription to get the whole forms team up-to-date with Adobe’s form creation tools.”

“If you want to be successful with AEM Forms, this is the place to be. In addition to SmartDoc’s excellent product documentation and J.P.’s teaching, you’ll be part of the world’s most experienced AEM Forms community to learn and share best practices.”

“Our forms team ranges from experienced programmers to part-time business people. All of them benefit from our subscription. Even our server administrators got everything they needed from aemforms.training.”

“I can honestly say that even after 2 years, I learn something new and important in each of the live training sessions with J.P.”

See our upcoming LIVE Classes.

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The Publishing classes in the Administration section have been updated including: Introduction and Installation, Publish Server Configuration, IIS and Dispatcher, Publishing Overview, Review Dispatcher.any, Customize Dispatcher.any, and Dispatcher Flush.


The JEE section has been completely updated with new courses on JEE Fundamentals, User Administration, Service Administration, Database Integration, LDAP Integration, Forms Workflow Administration, and Security & Maintenance.


The Designer section now has individual PDF student manuals for each course. Previously, the first seven sections all used the AEM Forms Designer PDF student manual.


The master AEM Forms Designer Student Manual is updated.


The Form Conversion eLearn module has been updated.


Adaptive Form Accessibility has been updated with a new eLearn module.


Themes and CSS has been updated with a new eLearn presentation.


The Invoke a Form Data Model Service class has been updated to include an exercise on Watched Folders and Watched Folder invocation of an AEM workflow.


The complete Forms & Data section has been updated, all 8 courses.


There are 3 new eLearn modules in Themes and CSS and XDP Files and AEM Forms. There is a new Known Issue in the Theme Editor of AEM Forms 6.5.17.


A new course called XDP Files and AEM Forms is now live. This course is designed for people who are familiar with Adobe Designer and now want to use their XDP files to make adaptive forms.


The new Interactive Communications course is now live!


Correspondence Management has been completely updated based on our March, 2024 LIVE sessions. There are now 9 eLearn modules and new exercises.


There are 7 new eLearn modules in Correspondence Management.


The Accessibility-PDF courseware has been updated with 3 new eLearn modules and new hands-on exercises.


The JavaScript Fundamentals course has been updated with 4 new eLearn modules and new hands-on exercises.


The Designer courseware has been updated with new information about international support in XFA forms.


The Automated Forms Conversion course has been updated with new exercises and new videos.


Workflow Introduction, Form Submission and Review, and Invoke a Form Data Model Service have all been updated.


Adobe has confirmed that the None selection on a Form Data Model’s Write Service is meaningless. AEM does not retain this setting and when we come back to the model, we will see the same Default Write Service missing warning message. I added this to the Known Issues section.


Create custom and reusable Toolbar Buttons in this new course.


Administration JEE is now available with a new eLearn presentation about AEM Forms JEE fundamentals.


The updated Client Libraries is now available with a new eLearn presentation.


As promised, the automated Certificate Generation form is now live. This is the same adaptive form, theme, and workflow that we created in this fall's Adaptive Form Workshop.


The updated Log Files course is now available with a new eLearn presentation.


Zoom video of the AEM Forms Certification Presentation. It is 8 minutes and the password is: W^I8RX?j


An all-new course on the AEM Repository is now available. If you are an AEM Administrator, this course includes important trouble-shooting and maintenance exercises for the datastore and segmentstore.


AEM Guides Administration, AEM Guides Author, and AEM Guides Publish have all been updated.


Introduction and Installation in the Administration section has been updated. The VMWare Image page and PDF instructions have been added.


The Client Library Student Files have been updated.


The Dispatcher Flush course has been updated. 


The Advanced Scripting for Designer is updated with a new exercise for Cascading Drop-down Lists. The choice the user makes in the first list determines the values in the second list.


The Designer Student Manual and Designer Installation Instructions are both been updated.


The Workbench and Designer Installation Instructions are updated.


The OSGi Introduction and Installation class is updated. There are new instructions showing how to monitor the error.log file to improve the success of your server(s).




A lot of you have been asking about the Adobe Certification exam so I created the Adobe Certification page for you. The tables on the page list every topic along with the online course you need to master. My other recommendation is to attend each Thursday’s LIVE training session.  We are currently covering AEM Forms workflow, which is ON the test.

Adobe Certification Video

  • 8 minute video
  • Passcode: W^I8RX?j