Known Issues

This section documents the AEM Forms Known Issues that will likely affect your work. The known issues are organized into categories in the links above. Simply click a blue link above to see known issues in the area of your work.

In some cases, these issues are documented bugs that occur in a specific version of AEM or the Adobe AEM Forms add-on package. In other cases, these issues are updates that Adobe has made to AEM Forms that may affect how your older forms work in newer versions.

Adobe AEM Forms Known Issues

In each issue, the software version is documented so you can determine if the issue affects your AEM Forms system. When possible, we have also included the Adobe Bug Number and a suggested workaround. If it is a corrected bug, we have listed the version of the AEM Forms add-on package that contains the correction. The AEM Forms releases page details all of the AEM Forms add-on packages that have been released. Each description includes the corresponding AEM version and other useful information. The AEM maintenance releases roadmap shows upcoming AEM maintenance releases.

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