1. Unable to add users: Domain Level Security is not available

You cannot add a user to your Adobe Sign Account from a different domain. When you attempt to do this in the Adobe Sign Administration tools, you will see this error message: "You cannot add that email address to your account".

Domain level security is not exposed in the Adobe Sign Administration interface

After reading through the Adobe Knowledge Base article, it seemed clear that this functionality, "is not exposed in the Adobe Sign Administration interface" and "can only be evaluated on the back end by Customer Support or the Customer Success team."

So, I opened a support ticket. Long story short, after a month, the status has not changed and during that month I was passed between 5 different Adobe representatives and on two different occasions, the Adobe representative did not even show up for scheduled meetings.

I’d recommend giving up on this feature.


2. Sign Document Workflow Step

The out-of-the-box AEM Forms Sign Document step needs to be properly configured or you will receive 11 Adobe Sign messages instead of just 1.  You will see this type of behaviour in other workflow steps too when they are not properly configured.

The AEM Forms Sign Document Workflow Step

If you receive 11 Adobe Sign email messages when you invoke the AEM Forms Sign Document workflow step, it is likely that your step is not properly configured. You may receive a SUCCESS message in AEM Forms, but if you receive 11 Adobe Sign workflow messages, as illustrated here, your workflow needs to be corrected.

AEM Forms Adobe Sign workflow step needs a string variable
  • Software Version: AEM Forms OSGi 6.5.0
  • AEM Forms add-on package: adobe-aemfd-win-pkg:6.0.80
  • Steps to Recreate: Create a simple workflow with the Sign Document workflow step.
  • Suggested Work Around: This error can be prevented by assigning a String Variable to the Signed Document status in the Sign Document workflow step. Follow the steps below to solve it.


1. Create a String variable named signedDocumentStatus in your AEM Forms workflow.

Create a String variable named signedDocumentStatus in your AEM Forms workflow

2. Select the Sign Document workflow step and click Configure (the wrench icon).

3. Select the Signed Document tab.

4. Select Variable and select your signedDocumentStatus variable.

5. Click Done and Sync.

Note: In AEM Forms 6.5 and below, this value is not required so it’s possible for a workflow author to miss it. Hopefully, this field will be mandatory in future versions of AEM Forms.

Assign this variable to the Signed Document status in the Sign Document workflow step

Note: In AEM Forms 6.5 and below, this value is not required so it’s possible for a workflow author to miss it. Hopefully, this field will be mandatory in future versions of AEM Forms.

If you want to master AEM Forms and Adobe Sign, be sure to take our AEM Forms and Adobe Sign course.

3. Adobe Signature Step

The User interaction of the Adobe Signature step is awkward. In PDF forms, the act of signing locks the form so the signature securely testifies to a specific state of the form and data. However, the Adobe Signature Step in an adaptive form does not lock or submit the form. After the form filler signs, they receive this message in the Signature Step. However, they can go back and edit the details on the previous panels.

Adobe Signature Steps showing Adobe Sign completion

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